M.A.C. Spring Color Forecast, the highly anticipated M.A.C Spring Launch will take place at Tangs from 12th March to 21st March. Tangs card members will receive an additional complimentary pair of eyelashes and eyelash application for the Complete Makeover (With FREE Andy Warhol Inspired Polaroid of your new look) at S$80. Bring a friend along for the Complete Makeover and pay only S$60 each. All makeovers and workshops are Fully redeemable for M.A.C. products.
For Makeover and Makeup Application lessons, call 62357718 (Tangs Orchard) or 63769780 (Tangs Vivocity) for appointments . 
For hands on experience, register for M.A.C Spring/Summer Workshop and discover how the latest trend colors look on you. For registration and enquiry, ring Sarah at 62305384.